A powerful carbon sink

Biochar can sequester CO2 in soils or in materials for many hundreds of years

A negative emission solution to limit global warming

A 100% natural and organic soil amendment
Biochar is a fine-grained, highly porous charcoal-like product resulting from the carbonization of woody or agricultural biomass. The use of charcoal to improve soils has been part of soil management practices for centuries. Charcoal is found in soils around the world as a result of vegetation fires as well as traditional agricultural practices. It has led to the creation of the dark, nutrient rich terra preta (black earth) soils of the Brazilian Amazon which differ markedly from adjacent soils, in terms of higher fertility and carbon content. In addition to being natural and environment-friendly, the benefits of biochar are multiple when mixed with compost, peat moss and soil.
Enhanced nutrient retention
Increased water holding capacity
Improved soil aeration and drainage
Increased microbial activity

A sustainable solution for the sequestration of carbon

Plants naturally capture the carbon present in the atmosphere during the process of photosynthesis. At the end of their life, plants slowly decompose, and the captured carbon is returned to the atmosphere in the natural carbon cycle, called biogenic carbon. The carbonization process stabilizes the carbon and prevents it from decomposing and returning to the atmosphere. Buried in the soil, the carbon contained in biochar will remain stored for several hundred years with very little degradation. Thus, one ton of biochar can sequester between 2.5 and 3.2 tons of CO2 equivalent. The development of the voluntary carbon market now allows for the monetization of carbon sequestration credits generated by the production of biochar. Companies committed to net-zero emissions can purchase these credits to offset their own emissions and more quickly achieve their corporate goals.

Concrete production

The development of biochar-based concrete reduces the carbon footprint of the cement industry, which represents more than 7% of global GHG emissions. Biochar can be used in admixtures to replace a portion of the cement in the production of concrete, while improving the mechanical properties of traditional concrete. Carbon is then stored sustainably in the concrete during the lifetime of the civil engineering work or building.

Building materials

Biochar can replace non-durable materials such as binders and fillers used in the manufacture of building materials, while acting as a powerful carbon sink. It can be used, for example, in the production of drywall or bricks, or in thermoplastic composites. It can also be used directly in asphalt to improve performance under high-temperature conditions.

Other biochar applications

Biochar can be used in a variety of large-scale agricultural and environmental applications.
Livestock feed supplement
Organic Agriculture
Commercial Horticulture
Home Gardening and Landscaping
Wastewater Filtration
Environmental Remediation
Contact us to get in touch with our green carbon experts.


Biocoal, in the form of torrefied wood pellets, is a drop-in replacement for coal used in coal-fired power stations and district heating plants.

It is also used as feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), renewable natural gas, bio-chemicals and hydrogen production.

Discover Biocoal


Engineered green carbon product specifically developed for the metallurgical industry.

Thanks to its high fixed carbon and low volatile matter content, biocarbon is a renewable biomass solution to decarbonize the metallurgical industry.

Discover Biocarbon